Books to Change the Soul~ July 2017

Hi there! So if you knew me in person you would know by now that I am a massive book nerd. In print, I have over three hundred books. Every single one I have read more than once… proudly.

Through literature I have found books that have spoken and changed my perspective. Here are the four books that I am recommending for this month.

The theme for these books is the idea that one can redeem themselves through love. And when “shit hits the fan” love can be your guide if you allow it to.

  1. Their Eyes Were Watching God: This book makes on the list for the main character has men that come and go in her life. But the love and appreciation that she gains for herself in the end showcases her as a woman who can stand on her own.
  2. Song Of Solomon: Showcases the different types of love that comes through life changes, the feeling of family love, cultural, lust, and self-love all reflect with Milkman, the main character. This story will teach you that the love of where you came from will lead you down the path to redemption.
  3. The Road: A mediation on a father and his son serving post apocalyptic travel. The love story between the two and their fight for survival will leave you with a new-found respect or the lengths we are willing to go to protect those who we love.
  4. Beloved: What would you do if you had the chance to re-love someone who was gone from your life? When the character beloved returns, the lines that create love are reinterpreted and re-designed and also questions how far are you willing to go for love.

Id any if you guys have book suggestions I would love to hear them! Please comment them below and maybe I will feature them next month…

Happy Reading!


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